Deutsch Englisch
Point of Food
Areas of Application

School Catering

#pizzaforall spupils

Fun & Flavour

Healthy school catering is useless, when children don’t like it. Pizza on the other hand is an all-time favourite! The toppings of our FitPizza range were developed in cooperation with students, so that we mee t their favourite pizza varieties!

Balanced Meals

Our FitPizza contains less fat and more fibers than standard piz zas. According to nutritional sciences, a slice of FitPizza meets the standards for a balanced meal!

Easy Handling

Our products for school catering do not only ease the work load during preparation and distribution, but also make a precise calculation of costs possible – especially important in school catering!

IFS Halal Professional Insitute Too good to go ICA Germany Die Familienunternehmer